ummm HI!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Well hello blogger world! Its been um...quite some time! Long overdue. The last post was when Calvin was about 8 1/2 months old? and now hes going to be ONE in a few weeks?! WHAAAAAT! Time needs to slow down! These last few months have been quite adventurous! We went through a job loss, going to California MULTIPLE times, Army crap, and a bunch of other random things like being outside, laying out at the pool. It is now October 3rd and it is 46 degrees outside. BOTH my husband and I are employed as he is still going to school and in the Army. He works for the LDS church doing custodial work downtown during the night. That has been quite the change and I'm not quite sure I'm loving it, but its a job and I really cant complain. I love my job working at BareMinerals boutique in the fashion place mall. I mean who doesnt love playing with makeup all day making people feel beautiful! All the girls I work with are so awesome and there is no competition against each other which rare to find working with a bunch of girls! I've been lucky :) Its also nice to get some adult interaction a few days a week besides baby talk..haha. So I may be posting some new makeup posts here and there, I learn new tricks the more I play! I still do hair on the side, at home for friends and family, its just nice to change it up a bit from the hair scene.
Onto what majority of this blog is about..Calvin Daniel. Oh where to start with this kid? Well he's 11 1/2 months old. He's a freakin tank and is getting too heavy to carry around for long periods of time! I think he weighs close to if not 27 lbs. Solid, tall kid we've got on our hands. He is still a fabulous kid and is showing such personality lately! He's speed crawling everywhere, hates to be in a room by himself, walks with a walker and will take a few steps on his own, pulls everything out of place, eats EVERYTHING and anything, smiles like no other, and loves to cuddle and give me kisses. (i hope he never stops that part (; ) His tude some days! He can scream a high pitched scream and will cry if you tell him no or he can't have something that he wants. I'm in trouble. Nonetheless I still love this kid like crazy and am still trying to grasp the fact that he will be 1! I can't believe it! He brings us so much joy and happiness I couldnt imagine life without him!
Other news in the Crosby household? meh. not much. besides the fact that I had to call 911 on friday evening. nbd. I mean NOT. scariest things ever. and it will be far to long to explain this now. So I will write a post about that another time hopefully with more answers as to what exactly happened because we still aren't positive. All I've got to say is live every day as if it were your last! Seriously you NEVER know what can happen in the blink of an eye! I love my husband and my little guy and the life we have and wouldn't choose anything different!
Onto what majority of this blog is about..Calvin Daniel. Oh where to start with this kid? Well he's 11 1/2 months old. He's a freakin tank and is getting too heavy to carry around for long periods of time! I think he weighs close to if not 27 lbs. Solid, tall kid we've got on our hands. He is still a fabulous kid and is showing such personality lately! He's speed crawling everywhere, hates to be in a room by himself, walks with a walker and will take a few steps on his own, pulls everything out of place, eats EVERYTHING and anything, smiles like no other, and loves to cuddle and give me kisses. (i hope he never stops that part (; ) His tude some days! He can scream a high pitched scream and will cry if you tell him no or he can't have something that he wants. I'm in trouble. Nonetheless I still love this kid like crazy and am still trying to grasp the fact that he will be 1! I can't believe it! He brings us so much joy and happiness I couldnt imagine life without him!
Other news in the Crosby household? meh. not much. besides the fact that I had to call 911 on friday evening. nbd. I mean NOT. scariest things ever. and it will be far to long to explain this now. So I will write a post about that another time hopefully with more answers as to what exactly happened because we still aren't positive. All I've got to say is live every day as if it were your last! Seriously you NEVER know what can happen in the blink of an eye! I love my husband and my little guy and the life we have and wouldn't choose anything different!
Sunday, June 30, 2013
The past couple weeks I've had these thoughts and revelations come to me and I just feel the need to share them with you. I know we all have different beliefs or ways we live our lives, but I feel everyone deserves to be happy. I have found myself guilty of getting wrapped up in the worldly things surrounding us. We are all guilty of this and I've come to realize or remember what's most important here. Its so easy to go through pinterest numerous times and build up boards filled with pins of things we don't have or want. Yes I LOVE pinterest, and get A LOT of super good ideas off of it. But at the same time I find a lot of things that I don't have. Being a lover of fashion and beauty its easy to get lost in the world of wanting the most perfect outfit, accessories, shoes, you name it, that are most likely super expensive and not so budget friendly. Because of that reason, we may feel angry or depressed that we aren't blessed with the opportunity to afford such things, and that leads to thoughts that we are too poor, no fair, etc etc. We also have so many of our friends that are buying new cars and homes and we are so happy for them, but that can bring jealous and envious feelings in a lot of us! Of course I want a new house right now and be able to decorate and do whatever I want to it, have a backyard for my dog and son to play in, but should I be so envious that I feel angry or depressed and hate my apartment or current situation? Absolutely not. The hubs and I finally went to the temple last week and during just that short time we were in there I was reminded what our purpose is here on earth. It's not about where we live, how much money we have, how many name brand clothes, shoes, or type of cars we have. Its about our family, happiness, serving others, and sharing the gospel so that those around us can enjoy the same eternal happiness that we believe in and enjoy. There's nothing I would want more than to be with my family for time and all eternity. So lets all just forget about the competition to have the cutest/nicest looking house, fancy clothes, shoes, cars, and all material things and lets remember the more important things in life! If we choose to think/act this way I know it will bring us so much happiness. Now I'm not saying to never go shopping or whatever, because I love me some shopping, but I look forward to my thrift store. Nothing beats someone saying, "omg I love your dress/shirt/skirt/shoes" and me responding with "thanks I got it for a $1!" And I cannot wait for the day we buy our first home, but right now I'm just enjoying the adventures of being a mom and not having to worry about fixing something in the apartment if it breaks :)
Don't worry, Be happy! Because I guarantee you will look back eventually and enjoy the "poor" days the most, I know I am!
It happens. Get over it. Get moving!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Life 7 months after a baby I expected to be in a heck of a lot better shape than I am now! having a baby in the fall/winter however didn't help. Like always, I got SUPER motivated, I mean really. Went to the gym as soon as I could. slowly started running again, ate better, drank lots of water. and then...
dun dun dun....
The holidays happened. All the sweets and comfort food. Mexican culture is natural to have lots of good food. (OK maybe that's any culture) but I especially love Mexican food. So all the tamales and rice at Christmas....oh boy! and to add to that my grandmas rocky road dessert and all the pumpkin pies and breads. its just a disaster in your body. but secretly I don't mind it...;) Like I said in my title, it happens, get over it, get moving!
I've always been up and down when it comes to being "skinny" or in shape I should say. High school I had an amazing bod not gonna lie (thanks to soccer), but even then I still thought I was a little overweight. What is it with us girls and always thinking we are fat in some way?! It's annoying. But after all these months of me struggling to get my booty back into a routine of eating right and losing weight. I have come to accept that weight doesn't matter. The numbers on the scale don't mean anything. It's all about how I feel inside. I could be 120 lbs (skeleton..that was like when I was in middle school) and starving and miserable...or 160 lbs. and be perfectly fine and feeling really fit and "skinny". Notice I say "skinny"? That's because I know that my skinny isn't gonna be what my friends skinny is. I'm pretty tall and feel I have bigger bones. So of course my skinny is going to weigh more than someone who comes up to my shoulders. Also like most everyone knows, muscle weighs more than fat.
I don't know how many pins I've pinned on Pinterest, and blogs I've read for hours trying to find a good way to lose weight. (when in reality, I already know in my head what to do, just looking for some magical secret or something I guess?) But what it comes down to for everyone is, its up to you. Its up to you how badly you want to work out. Its up to you how quickly you want to lose weight. Its up to you if you really want to eat those fries and soda(my weakness). Its up to you to decide what plan works best for you. Just because it worked so great for someone else, doesn't mean you will get the same results. Sure you can do the same "plan" but modify it to meet your needs.
Also doesn't watching So You Think You Can Dance and Dancing with the Stars, make you wanna get in shape and have ripped abs?! I mean seriously. watch an episode and tell me you aren't motivated? Anyhow, bottom line is. Its time. I've said this multiple times. but it's got to happen. I want to be healthier for my family, and most of all myself. Happy wife happy life right?
side note: as I am typing this my body is sore, because yes I indeed did get up and go out for a run yesterday morning. It was a TERRIBLE run and I almost turned around multiple times, but I didn't and I'm proud of myself for finishing that mile and a half
So here's to fitting into those jeans I've had in my closet for years waiting for me. This fall. It's gonna happen. If it does happen. I think I might cry of happiness.
Also I was thinking once I reach my goal, I deserve a reward. So my friends, I'm looking to you for ideas on what to reward myself with? Something that will motivate me even more to reach my goal faster! So please, if you would, leave a comment suggesting some sort of reward, and any tips you may have. So far my plan is eat more "rabbit food" (fruits and veggies) and watch my caloric intake of heavy carbs. Exercising at least 4 times a week as a start. and having ONE cheat day a week. I have to have a cheat day. I just do. otherwise I'll keep ending up at square one.
Well thanks for reading, I look forward to your feedback!
Day 30
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Day 30 is whatever I feel like blogging about.
Well there's lots to blog about.
but instead of writing a novel..I'll just summarize what's been happening lately.
- Mommy and Me is about to get busier and I'm taking charge, with excitement and nervousness that I will stress more than I need to over it because that's just what I do.
- Calvin has been teething what seems forever and it JUST started getting worse and there are STILL no teeth. ugh. hopefully him getting fussier means teeth coming sooner.
- we got our pup Benji back from staying with my S.I.L...not sure how long he will stay, If anyone is in need of a loving cuddly dog who is super chill and lazy...hit me up!
- I feel like I never see my husband, and feel bad about all the work hes been doing lately with finals and everything. (i think finals affect spouses too when there's only one person in school. tough times.)
- my grandma came to visit for my cousins graduation this weekend and is currently asleep while I am typing this..surprised I don't hear any snoring yet...:p
- I get to see my best friend tomorrow that I haven't seen in 2 years! since we all moved away after cosmetology school. I am BEYOND excited! I will most likely post about that too.
- I did some hair and makeup for prom a few weeks ago and it made me really miss my old job!
- Calvin had his first swing ride yesterday and loved it.
- We discovered recently that little man has a bit of anxiety when we put him to bed. Problem may have been solved. The soothing seahorse has come to the rescue! seriously he loves that thing. it lights up and plays lullabies, and slowly dims and gets quieter. perfect.
- I've been discovering new recipes and actually making things I've pinned on pinterest. who knew it would actually work!
- little mans stroller got pooped on...or "diarrhea'd" on as I like to say, we no longer own that thing. oh and it was not the babes fault...dumb dog. (don't worry it wasn't brand new it was like 10 yrs old and given to us for free, and it I'm saving up for a jogger! woo!)
- my friends are having baby showers and getting married. life is great.
-i got dressed up and went to a "mini military ball" . awkward. but yummy dinner.
- as much as I LOVE being a SAHM....I love my job as a hairstylist and think it is time for me to go back real soon!...especially if we plan to save up for a house after the hubs graduates.
Well I think that's all for now...and to end the post I'd like to post this hideous picture of my little man and I at temple square this afternoon before we had lunch at the lionhouse. :)
Good night all!
Day 29
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Day 29: a picture of yourself
I just realized looking through pictures I hardly have ANY pictures of just myself..maybe I hate getting my picture taken knowing I'm not where I want to be fitness wise yet. But I'm workin on it and will hopefully feel more comfortable then.
Until then here's a pic of my little man and I New Years Eve
seems like forever ago
Day 28
Day 28: do you wish for anything at 11:11? if so, what do you wish for?
I don't really think I wish for anything..haha. I don't wait for it to be 11:11..half the time I don't even know what time it is. but when I do wish for something I wish for lots of money and to be super skinny. ok maybe not super skinny. But you get the idea. side note...I used to have dreams that I lived in the mall and I would sleep in the bed store with the super comfy beds and then wake up and go to whatever store I like and pick out an outfit for the day complete with purses, shoes accessories. I mean wouldn't that be just fabulous?! Oh I think I will wish for that every 11:11.
what do you wish for at 11:11?
Day 27
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Day 27: A picture of your handwriting.
This was from awhile back. We started a journal or diary for our little man with letters written to him by the hubs and I throughout his years. And a gift for him when he turns 18:) I absolutely hate hate hate my handwriting. but oh well.
Do you like your handwriting? I feel like most people don't like their own handwriting but love everyone else's. like myself.
Day 26
Day 26: What are some little things that make you feel warm and fuzzy?
*warning: cheese-ball fest coming right up*
- my little mans smile
- puppies (nacho accent)
- flowers from the hubs
- kisses on the forehead
- romantic movies
- sunsets on the beach
- sand between my toes
- bubble baths
- babies
- breakfast/dinner made by the hubs
-Christmas day/eve OK just Christmas in general
- playing a beautiful song flawlessly on the piano
- LDS conference
- a good lesson/talk at church on Sunday
- service
- being told you look pretty
OK I'll stop there..
Day 25
Day 25: Would you rather date someone plain with an amazing personality? or someone beautiful with a plain personality?
Well that's an easy answer...the first of course! To be completely honest I wasn't really attracted to my husband at first. NO, I didn't think he was ugly. I guess I just didn't pick him out and be like holy crap that man is beautiful! He was always kind of in the background..But once I got to know him through a few dates, he became very attractive! I think that's how it should be. or at least how it is for a lot of people. If they have an amazing personality then that makes them beautiful. or sparkle as Tierra would say on the Bachelor.
Lucky for me I have a beautiful husband with an amazing personality!
Which would you choose? What if Channing Tatum had a plain personality? Would you still date him?...probably..
Day 24
Day 24: 7 things that cross your mind often
1. Am I doing this mom thing right?!
2. When will we have our next child?
3. What would my little sister be like if she were still alive?
4. Are we ever going to move back to California by our family?
5.Where will we buy our first home?
6. What should I eat/make for dinner/breakfast/lunch? food of course is always on my mind!
7. What can I do to help my husband...
There are lots of things that cross my mind, but like it says, these are the most often. I think about A LOT of things, but then I think about my husband who has ADD. kind of bad. and I try to imagine what it would be like to have so many things going on in my head all at the same time, and I get overwhelmed just thinking about it! So I feel for my husband and try to help him out. There is never a dull moment in our house lets just say that! :)
What are you constantly thinking about?
Day 23
Day 23: A letter to someone. Anyone.
Dear Calvin,
I cannot believe how fast this time has gone! You are going to be six months a week from today. What?! You are growing up ridiculously fast and despite how fun it is, I miss your little 6 lb 4 oz self that you used to be. Now, as of last week, you weigh a whopping 17 lbs 10 oz! You are getting to be such a little chunk and carrying you around is getting to be more of a workout. You love to sit in the shopping cart now like a big boy and look around at everything we pass by. What you see is what you grab, and that is EVERYTHING. My face, hair, hands, clothes, jewelery, phone, remote, anything you name it. You've been teething for quite some time now and we have yet to see a tooth pop out yet, I sure hope it makes its arrival real soon to put you out of those days you are in misery. Tummy time seems to be not as big of a deal anymore and you are SO close to rolling completely over it kills me! Either you get stuck on your side, or you rock back and forth almost as if you're scared to roll all the way over. Another one of your favorite things to do is play in your excer saucer. You've got lots of animal toys around you and you love to try to put them in your mouth and get mad when you can't grab them or get your mouth on it. You also love to eat, and like every other man, you get terribly grumpy if we don't feed you soon enough or right away. Sometimes when you eat baby food we can't get the spoon in your mouth quick enough for you and you get oh so very angry. So far you have liked every single food we've given you except peaches! What the what?! Those are my favorite! Maybe I ate too many of them when you were in my belly that you got sick of them. But if that's the only thing you don't like right now I'm OK with it. I'm glad you are not a picky eater..none of those are allowed in this house in case you didn't know. Besides the fact that you get angry if you don't get food, you are quite a happy baby all the time. (except for when those teeth are trying to plow their way through) Your smile is my favorite thing right along with your giggle. I love to tickle you and hear you cackle real loud over and over. You also love to talk a lot. In your carseat, your crib, on the floor, anywhere you just blab away and yell funny sounds as if you were saying "hey!". I couldn't imagine life without you. You have been such a huge blessing to your daddy and I and we couldn't have asked for a better son. We are so lucky to wake up to your smiling face every morning we come to get you from your room. You put so much joy in our lives as well as many others around you. Even those that are miles and miles away! You are loved so very much by so many and we are so excited to watch you continue to grow into the smart, handsome, and loving boy that you are. We do everything we can to make sure you have a wonderful life and want only the best for you. We pray to be the best parents we can be for you and hope to live up to that. We love you so incredibly much and thank you for choosing us as your parents!
XOxo Mom
Day 22
Day 22: A picture of what you wore today..
Well low and behold I failed at capturing this..and honestly my outfits the past few days haven't been quite glamorous, I've been home most of the day and busy cleaning/rearranging things in my house so its been comfy unflattering clothes..:)
So how bout a picture of what I wore on Easter Sunday! With my handsome little man's outfit as well!
(dont mind his confused look..he JUST woke up from a nap and wasn't quite understanding what was going on..haha)
I try real hard every day to actually get dressed and look decent because then I feel really good about myself and feel like I did something that day even if its running to the store and back home. Its super hard some days but I've never not felt better about getting dressed with a little bit of makeup :)
Anyone else have their yoga pants call their name every single day?
Day 21
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Day 21: Turn ons and turn offs
This should be interesting...
Turn offs of people (guys) who:
sag pants
into themselves
hiding things
Turn ons of people who are:
put together
value my opinion
motivated and motivate me
lets just put it this husband ;)
What are some of your biggest turn ons and turn offs?
Day 20
Day 20: Concerts you have attended.
Well my first every concert was a symphony orchestra concert in...4th? or 5th grade. I remember this clearly because we got all dressed up for it and afterwards at school I was playing tether ball and got hit in the face with a flat ball and my nose bled EVERYWHERE and I went to the yard duty lady and she was holding a frog and said..well um I can't really help you right now, why don't you just walk up to the front office to the nurse and I just cried. haha
But my for reals concert besides orchestra was N*Sync. I was in 6th grade. My cousin Sammie took me with her for her birthday and we sung our hearts out. I remember I got a T-shirt and a necklace from the concert. Afterwards our throats hurt so bad from screaming that we went to starbucks for some hot cocoa :) Such good times!
My next concert was John Schmidt. He played here in Utah at Thanksgiving Point at the waterfall. My amazing hubby surprised me with this date not long after we got married. It was an awesome concert! I love his music. He's now doing the Piano Guys with his cellist he's been playing with. Like I've mentioned before, these guys can rock out and get you rockin out too!
Another concert I went to was Backstreet Boys. No I'm not talking when I was in elementary school. I'm talking about as a grown married woman. Not last year, but the year before I believe. They came to Salt Lake and I really wanted to go, SO I went with one of my best friends Kaitlynn from back home and we totally rocked out. We definitely got T-shirts and sung out hearts out as well. It was a total blast! I've decided concerts are more fun with your close friends and also family that you can sing and dance crazy with no shame.
And last but not least the most recent concert I went to was Jbeebs with Carly Rae Jepsen as the opener. I'm a belieber. My little sisters christmas present was tickets to his concert, and those of you who know her, know she LOVES him. has videos on her facebook of her dancing and singing to his songs, and also a video showing all of her Justin Beiber "gear' and her saying multiple times how much she loves him. Like its kind of crazy. haha. Needless to say that was a GREAT concert. no t shirt, but a glow wand for my little sister. haha
I need another concert to go to soon! They are so fun!
How many concerts have you been to? or want to go to coming up?
Day 19
Day 19: A list of all the places you've lived at.
Oh dear. I dont know if I can remember this all.
I grew up in California and we moved around all the time! So I know I'll forget a place or too, but lets see what I recall.
Santa Clara,CA
Dublin, CA
Berkley, CA
Merced, CA
Modesto, CA
El Dorado Hills, CA
Provo, UT
Orem, UT
Salt Lake City, UT
And after the hubs graduates next year, who knows whats next after that! Utah? California? East coast? South? who knows, and it kind of drives me crazy, but also kind of fun at the same time :)
How many places have you lived in? Can you remember them all?
Day 18
Day 18 : Name the TV show you have become addicted to.
Well sadly there are several. and sadly I don't have live TV.
I have netflix and hulu.
So I'll just name a few.
My all time favorite show I'm watching right now that I cant get enough of is LOST. I just keep watching and watching more episodes. I started from the first season and am on season 3. I don't know why I didn't watch this show when everyone else was raving about it!
And then here are some other show that I enjoy when I can.
The following
Vampire Diaries
New Girl
Guys with kids
Modern Family
Dancing with the Stars (occasional)
What are some of your favorite shows?? I kind of hate that I watch so much TV...but its nice to just sit for a little bit...I know it wont be long before I'm running all over the place with my little rascal getting into everything and running/crawling around! :)
Day 17
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Day 17 is what do you want to be when you grow up?
Well...I'm kinda grown up...and I love what I am!
I love being a hairstylist. and most of all I LOVE being a mom!
Now a few other things I've always wanted to be.
ultrasound tech
concert pianist
wedding planner
party planner in general
fashion designer
baker...mainly for desserts ;)
The list could probably keep going..and I know I could still do some of these if I worked on them. But right now I'm just enjoying the life I'm living!
Do you LOVE what you do? Would you change your profession? Or what do you dream about becoming??
Day 16
Day 16 is if the world were to end tomorrow, what would you do with your remaining time here on earth?
Well I can think of one thing, and one thing only. I would want to spend my last day here on earth with no one but my close friends and family.
Eating food ALLL day long. Kissing my little mans chubby cheeks all day long. Spending the rest of my money on whatever the heck I want because there's no more worries. it would be fabulous!
Maybe buy a jet plane and fly all over seeing the places I've wanted to see my whole life!?
What would you want to do on your last day?
Day 15
Day 15 is a photo of someone I fancy at the moment.
Well I will always fancy this guy..Duh.
I have a pretty good lookin husband and I love him so much for all he does for me and our little family!
We have so much fun together and hes my best friend :) We can be really weird and silly and I love it!
I decided to go through all the pics on my computer and grab more than just one...enjoy!
Definitely a white boy!...
Love my life with this man that I so fancy!
Day 14
Day 14 is Provide pictures of 5 celebrity crushes
boy and girl.
1. Michael Buble
2. Channing Tatum

3. Sophia Vergara

4.Justin Timberlake

5. always. Jennifer Aniston..alwayss

Who are your Celebrity Crushes??
Day 13
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Day 13 is Three confessions of your choice.
I don't know if I like this one. But here it goes.
1. As much as I hate this one, Since I have moved here from California, I have come to love Utah. So much that I could actually see myself buying our first house here and raising our kids for a little while. Despite the ridiculous weather. The summer here is amazing and it is nice to have a white Christmas! much as I would love to live in Cali next to BOTH of our parents...I honestly have no clue where we end up when Steven graduates next year. But I have a feeling we may be staying for awhile, and I'm kind of OK with that :)
2. I have stinky feet. and i hate this also!..Its usually when I wear certain types of shoes. my toms...ohhh boy! I try to avoid taking those of until its time for bed, and even then I have to wash my feet. Its terrible. and disgusting.
3. I was secretly disappointed when we found out I was having a boy. I was dead set that it was a girl. but then about a week before we decided to find out, I just knew in my heart it wasn't a girl and it was a boy. I was a bit bummed at first but then I started to get excited about boy stuff and I still do! I love my little boy and I wouldn't have it any other way. I just pray that I will at least have a girl some day in the near future :)
What are some of your confessions?
oh and Utah readers...How are you LOVING the weather? oh it was beautiful today! I pray it stays for awhile :)
Day 12
Day 12 is Screen shot your desktop.
There you have it. the cutest baby ever. OK maybe I'm bias because It's my what?!
too bad he hasn't been doing much of this lately...those darn teeth need to come out already! no naps are no fun! at least he's still sleeping through the night (knock on wood!)
speaking of...time to come to rescue since he will NOT go to bed right now.
Hope you have a fabulous well rested night! Hump day is almost over!
Day 11
Day 11 is What is your favorite quote?
I love this quote. I have to remind myself this a lot. You may be having a horrible day and things may all be going wrong and you don't know how you'll make it, but it indeed will work out. It always does. I don't know how many times we've stressed financially, with school, or even physically; and we had nothing left to do but have faith. And it somehow magically works out! We will always be taken care of as long as we "know" it will. I believe that so strongly and am so grateful for the gospel I believe in and the principles it teaches me.
Day 10
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Day 10 is if you could live off of only one food and one beverage for the rest of your days what would they be?
OH man.
SO if I would say, strawberry shortcake and Dr. Pepper. But I could kinda see myself getting sick of these things.
In all reality. I LOVE peaches. and dream of a peach orchard some days. SO I would have to choose Peaches and ICE cold water. notice the capitalized ice? Yes, I have to have ice. There is nothing better than an ice cold glass of water!
and just for fun. I found my theme song for this. Millions of peaches. peaches for me.
now I'm all caught up! What would you live off for the rest of your life if you could only choose one food and one drink? I'd love to hear, Comment below!
Have a great week!
Day 9
Day 9 is my pet peeves.
this shall be a great one!
- loud eaters. slurping. chomping. you name it, I'm staring you down with the "really" look.
- people who chew with their mouth open, nobody wants to see that!
- rubbing your feet all over the carpet when you just take your shoes of..cough cough Steven...
- refrigerated items left out on the counter after use. Such as Pb&js, milk, cheese..etc.
- people who won't let you talk..or talk over you.
- People who ALWAYS have to one up you.. they always have something bigger or better..
- People who think they know everything and make you feel stupid
- lying...nothing kills me more
- my dog getting into the trash
- Utah drivers...I have terrible road rage
- Utah roads and construction..period
- when I leave the laundry in the washer too long and they get all mildewy
- when the shower curtain is left open after a shower
- when knives are put in the dishwasher..not a butter knife, the good ones.
- when the baby wipes are left open to get all dried up.
- when the lights are left on
- when the toothpaste lid is left off and there is toothpaste all over the tip
- chipped nail polish
- when my socks slide down in my shoes and bunch up off my heels
I could probably keep going on and on but I think I'll stop there.. :)
Anyone else feel the same about some of these? What are your biggest pet peeves?
Day 8
Alright catch up time..
Day 8 is three things I want say to different people
1. If you can't afford it; don't buy it! There's ALWAYS going to be a sale that will be just as good. And do you really need it or want it?
2. Be happy with the life YOU have and the things YOU do have. There are tons of other people who have way less than what you have. Stop comparing. Just because something may appear so perfect, does not mean so. There could be way more issues behind the scenes that are hidden that are far from perfect.
3. Was that really necessary and worth it? What happened to your beliefs and what you were taught in church. That is completely opposite of it. Instead of dwelling on the negative and holding onto guilt or anger from the past, let it go. No one gains anything from you holding onto such things and only makes things worse.
Have you ever thought of so many things you want to say to people but just don't have the courage or heart to? Oh man...I am a huge victim of this and sometimes I wish I wasn't..
I think, as long as you have a great explanation and are great at wording things so everything is clear on the table, you should be able to express your opinions or feelings freely. Unfortunately A LOT of people are terrible at communication, which can make it hard; but with determination and will power it can be fixed and everyone can live happily ever after!...maybe;)
Day 7
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Day 7 is Do you read? and if so, what are your favorite books?
Well I've honestly never been a huge reader. I've found a few good books that I've really loved. I always love me a good mystery book or a real story. My favorite seems to always be about the Holocaust times. Maybe since my grandmother has so much background during these times when she was a little girl. A few of my favorite books have been these...that I can remember..



Currently I'm reading a book called Blog Inc. just barely started, so far so good! I hope my blogging skills will improve and you will enjoy!
Anyway, I'm still trying to convince my husband that if I get a kindle, that I would read way more than I spend my time watching netflix series...truth right?!
a girl can dream...
What are some of your favorite books? Any recommendations, I'm always on the hunt for a book that I won't be able to put down!
Mommy and Me
So at church my calling in our ward is the Mommy and Me group.
Easy enough?!
There are lots of young mom in the ward with little ones that aren't in school yet. So this is mainly a scheduled play date/ support group for moms. We meet about every other week, or twice a month. Today we had an easter theme. I'm still new to the group and getting used to how things work, but we had crafts, a snack, and a lesson to teach the kids the true meaning of Easter. Now it was obviously short since their attention span was short, but it was fun. The decorated Easter Eggs on paper with foam stickers and crayons. I was in charge of another craft, and so I made bunny ears for the kids to color. I forgot to snap some pictures of them all wearing them but they were so cute running around with the big floppy ears. After the crafts we sat in a circle and talked about the resurrection. Then we went on a little scavanger hunt and found things that related to the atonement and talked about it as we went. We collected handouts with scriptures that we could use this whole bag of objects for family home evening, perfect! I couldn't help but bring a little easter snack for them afterwards and found these cute bunny graham crackers! And these cute carrot bags at the dollar tree, Score! So after all the activities, everyone brought a sack lunch and we had a picnic...indoors since it randomly snowed today! thank goodness its all gone...
Anyways, We had a great time, and Calvin has a little 71/2 month old that's after him every time we get together!...he likes the older women...ha!
Here are some pictures
we had a grand ol' time despite the many meltdowns, and everyone wanting the same toy, and tiredness goin on...:)
What are you doing with your kiddies for Easter?
Day 6
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Day 6 : What band or musician is most important to you?
Well lately I'm loving the Piano Guys

Why? well they have some awesome songs, or remake of songs that are so cool! I can get my jam on with these guys. AND its two of my favorite instruments! The piano and cello, both of which I can play. win win. I dream of being like them, and I love to see how far they both have come. I went to a John Schmidt concert (props to the hubs for that sweet surprise!) and it was amazing, these guys played awesome songs then, but the stuff they have put together now is even better!
I know, I know, classical music? or piano music? sounds boring right? WRONG! Check it out for yourself and you too will fall in love. They are my favorite cleaning music :)
Here are some of my favorite songs
good talent, good music, means a good time :)
Who's your favorite?
Day 5
Day 5 (from yesterday) is 5 places I want to visit
1. New York City

2. Paris

3. Greece

4. Spain

5. Tahiti - of course somewhere tropical!

Where would you like to travel to??
I hope someday to get to at LEAST one of these places!
Day 4
Monday, March 18, 2013
Day 4 is really stupid. its the meaning behind your tumblr name..
apparently this is for tumblr, so the meaning behind my blog name?
Well the Crosby Crew?...My last name is Crosby..and we have started a little crew here with the 2 of us parents and the baby. With more kids to come, we'll have a whole Crosby Crew.
Done. Thats pretty much it.
Now I just might addd that we just finished FHE, what did we do you ask? we did our monthly budget. gross! I have been dreading it all week until now. After going over everything and looking it all over, it was not as stressful as I thought and I am feeling so very blessed to have everything that I have in my life. What a great way to start the week! Happy Monday everyone!
Peace and Blessings, Peace and Blessings
(i hope you all watch that video on youtube now)
Day 3
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Day 3 is my day, in great detail.
here it goes..
Well I woke up at 6..more like woken up at 6 am. Nursed the little man, and put him back to sleep, as I myself crawled back into bed. We then woke up at 8:45 am. fed Calvin again and changed his diaper. I wanted to bad to crawl back into bed as we stayed up till 1 in the morning watching LOST episodes. (worst idea everrr) Instead I brought Calvin into my room and we hung out on our bed for a little. I hopped in the shower. put my church clothes on and dried my hair. Steven took a shower while I changed the little man into his church clothes and propped him in our bed while I finished getting ready. grabbed some oatmeal from the crock pot because I was a good wifey and made overnight oatmeal so it would be all ready when we woke up (best idea ever). finished my makeup while Steven finished getting ready. we all started to head out the door and "Benji proofed the house". Got to church around 11 am. actually on time! Steven took the sleeping babe with him to priesthood as I went to relief society without the baby for the first time. (ps. our church goes backwards) then we mingled in the halls until Sunday school started. By this time Cal had waken up and we made our way to the mothers lounge so I could feed and change him. we made it back to the last 10 minutes or so of Sunday school. Then it was time for Sacrament Meeting. Little man was getting a little antsy by this time. he was fine for the first...15 minutes? then he started squirming and getting fussy..after a few good cries/screams I took him out and walked the halls with him. I tried cradling him to sleep in my arms, and he just screamed as loud as he could. I kept walking, he kept rubbing his eyes with his hands and rubbing his face into my shoulder. I knew he was tired, but he fought it..hard. My back was killing me and my arms were dying from holding him. I was secretly hoping Steven would read my mind and come rescue me because I didn't think I would last. getting desperate, I walked into an empty classroom. turned out the lights so it was pitch black. and forced him into my shoulder with his binky and blanket..less than a minute he was OUT. Hallelujah! I slowly walked out to the halls praying the lights and noise wouldn't wake him up. I got back to the chapel with him still asleep..success! I make it back to our pew only to find Steven slumped all the way over passed out. oh surrrreee. (I was a teensy bit put off about it, but quickly got over it) with 10 minutes left of sacrament I was able to listen to the last talk. we make it home and calvins still asleep woo!..only for 15 mins. I took a few pictures of Calvin in his Sunday best, showing off his bow tie that I made. then fed him while Steven took a "powernap". I got Calvin all cleaned up afterwards and put him down for a nap...well after fighting sleep once again and a little bit of Tylenol, he goes down. yes! I played a game on my phone for a few minutes enjoying the peace and quiet in the house. Steven finally woke up and said "why don't you go take a nap and I'll pick up the place". well you don't have to twist my arm for that one! I wake up an hour and half later, feeling better than ever. I seriously cant remember the last time I took a nap like that uninterrupted! I come out to a sparkling clean place with a baby happy to see me as he's playing with his toys. *kudos to the hubs!* I then pull out the recipe for dinner and look it over as I feed Calvin. I change Calvin's diaper and set him down to play as I make dinner. He plays with his toys nicely for a good 10 minutes while Steven does homework, and all begins. Teething really sucks right about now..and I feel so bad for the poor little guy. He gets fussy right in the middle of me making dinner. I know Steven needs to get his homework done, so I try not to interrupt him. I get Calvin settled for a little bit to make progress on dinner, only for him to get upset again. I knew he was getting tired but he was fighting it once again. Dad finally takes him and he's asleep after a few minutes. score! I finally get dinner in the oven and cooking and clean up the kitchen a bit only for him to wake up again crying...nothing would satisfy him, and Sophie the giraffe would only last so long. Since it had been long enough I gave him more Tylenol, and he fell back asleep right as dinner was ready. finally we eat dinner..super late might i add. and watch an episode of lost. andddd he wakes up! this time I knew he was hungry. I fed him some pears, and then some oatmeal. Then I gave him a bath and put some clothes on him. snapped a few pictures of him with his 5 month sticker on, since hes 5 months today! put his jammies on, wrapped him up tight in his swaddleme blanket, turned out the lights, grabbed his blanket and binky, told him I loved him and gave him a few kisses and put him to bed. He whined for a little bit only because he lost his binky, we gave it back to him and he fell right asleep and has been asleep ever since. yessss. we watched some more Lost episodes. while I uploading some pictures onto the computer and started blogging. and here we are now. 11:45pm. I'm sitting in bed with the laptop as the hubby and dog are passed out next to me. Now its my turn for some more sleep :) Now that I'm all caught up..Here's a little picture of the little man with his bow tie!
Can't get enough of that smile! even when he's being a booger :)
oh and ps. the green smoothie challenge came to a dramatic end. my blender decided to stop blending my smoothies anymore..and my smoothie turned out nasty the day this happened..soo..I'm hoping to get a Ninja blender, or just a really good one like this that will mix it up real good and not leave big chunks of leaves in it. I love salads and stuff but this recipe I seriously almost threw it up. I had to plug my nose and chug it..the second time around it came to drink it it was worse. And then the next day my blender decided to take a break. Since then, I do feel the urge to crave healthier foods. only after 4 days. I only imagine if I was able to finish the challenge. I will do it again for sure when I have a better blender I can rely on. but until then my plan is to eat lots of fruits and veggies and just watch what I eat and how much I eat. I haven;t touched my blender today in hopes it may work tomorrow. Dear blender of mine, you will be in my prayers tonight, I loved having a smoothie everyday. If you do decide to resurrect tomorrow I will continue to use you every day If i can, to add in a green smoothie each morning. Sincerely, me.
what are your favorite green smoothie recipes? I would love to try some new ones other than the ones I do love already!
Thanks for stopping by for a..not so quick read. I PROMISE there will be a snazzy trash post tomorrow. It's been a bit challenging getting a chance to snap some good photos for my posts but its on my to do list tomorrow :)
Good Night!
Yes, I am a day late..but I'm determined not to get behind! So Day 2 is 10 likes and 10 dislikes.
- the gospel
- smoothies
- running shoes..and just shoes in general
- mexican food
- vacuuming
- board games
- zumba
- the Kardashians
- painting
- music
- vomitting
- cottage cheese
- hang nails
- loud eaters
- snoring
- running out of milk when you just poured a full bowl of cereal
- stretch marks
- missing socks
- negative people
- the fact that i get car sick easily just by reading or playing a game
Day 1 of the 30 day blog challenge
Friday, March 15, 2013
Day 1: Write some basic things about yourself.
Here are some facts you may or may not know about me.
- I am an animal lover. Before Calvin I REALLY wanted a dog, since I had always grown up with one. We went to "look" at the humane society....ended up walking out with Benji.
- I love to sew
- I used to play the Cello in 7th/8th grade. (i would love to pick it up again)
- I can be very competitive in almost anything
- I like photography
- I can eat a whole package of oreos by myself..
- I love to clean...most days
- I used to be in beauty pageants from age 4-5 up until my senior year of high school
- One of my biggest fears is getting into a car accident (haven't been in one, knock on wood!)
- I hate spiders, snakes, lizards, anything creepy crawly
- I love scary movies
- I was going to be named Kira instead of Alexandria
- I play the piano and could play all day if i had the chance
- I love camping
- I have 2 sisters and 3 brothers
- I'm part mexican (I used to get mad and cry when my parents and grandma told me I was mexican when I was little)
- My husband is also part mexican...honestly! He just got NO mexican genes
- I go on a treasure hunt every single day. sometimes its fun...most times its not..the joys of living with an ADD person :)
- I LOVE love loooovee mexican food.
- I was runner up for a spam commercial when I was little
- I modeled in Mervyn's ads
- I've been on 3 cruises
- We've lived in 5 different places since we've been married
- I wish I would have grown up to be a ballerina or dancer
- I cant remember how many times we moved growing up but I have so many friends in so many places!
- I secretly want a big ranch with lots of horses and animals but dont think I will ever get the courage to take on such a huge task
- I was born and raised in California...why am I in Utah?! well I've been here for almost 5 years now...this has kind of felt like home. I HATE driving in the snow, but it does make a beautiful christmas! :)
- I NEVER ever wanted to be an Army wife...but now I am one.
- Lastly, I never thought at age 23 I would be married with a baby...but I wouldn't change it for the world!
Well thats all for today friends! Have a Fabulous sunny spring weather!
Have I mentioned how beautiful it has been outside?! gorgeous!
until next time..XOxo
(I feel like gossip girl every time I put xoxo at the end of my post.. :))
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