

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Yes, I am a day late..but I'm determined not to get behind! So Day 2 is 10 likes and 10 dislikes.

  1. the gospel
  2. smoothies
  3. running shoes..and just shoes in general
  4. mexican food
  5. vacuuming
  6. board games
  7. zumba
  8. the Kardashians
  9. painting
  10. music
  1. vomitting
  2. cottage cheese
  3.  hang nails
  4. loud eaters
  5. snoring
  6. running out of milk when you just poured a full bowl of cereal 
  7. stretch marks
  8. missing socks
  9. negative people
  10. the fact that i get car sick easily just by reading or playing a game
What are some of your likes and dislikes? 

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