
Day 24

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 24: 7 things that cross your mind often

1. Am I doing this mom thing right?!
2. When will we have our next child?
3. What would my little sister be like if she were still alive?
4. Are we ever going to move back to California by our family?
5.Where will we buy our first home?
6. What should I eat/make for dinner/breakfast/lunch? food of course is always on my mind!
7. What can I do to help my husband...

There are lots of things that cross my mind, but like it says, these are the most often. I think about A LOT of things, but then I think about my husband who has ADD. kind of bad. and I try to imagine what it would be like to have so many things going on in my head all at the same time, and I get overwhelmed just thinking about it! So I feel for my husband and try to help him out. There is never a dull moment in our house lets just say that! :)

What are you constantly thinking about?

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