
Day 13

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day 13 is Three confessions of your choice.

I don't know if I like this one. But here it goes. 

1. As much as I hate this one, Since I have moved here from California, I have come to love Utah. So much that I could actually see myself buying our first house here and raising our kids for a little while. Despite the ridiculous weather. The summer here is amazing and it is nice to have a white Christmas! much as I would love to live in Cali next to BOTH of our parents...I honestly have no clue where we end up when Steven graduates next year. But I have a feeling we may be staying for awhile, and I'm kind of OK with that :) 

2. I have stinky feet. and i hate this also!..Its usually when I wear certain types of shoes. my toms...ohhh boy! I try to avoid taking those of until its time for bed, and even then I have to wash my feet. Its terrible. and disgusting. 

3. I was secretly disappointed when we found out I was having a boy. I was dead set that it was a girl. but then about a week before we decided to find out, I just knew in my heart it wasn't a girl and it was a boy. I was a bit bummed at first but then I started to get excited about boy stuff and I still do! I love my little boy and I wouldn't have it any other way. I just pray that I will at least have a girl some day in the near future :)

What are some of your confessions?
oh and Utah readers...How are you LOVING the weather? oh it was beautiful today! I pray it stays for awhile :)


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