
Day 23

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 23: A letter to someone. Anyone.

Dear Calvin, 

I cannot believe how fast this time has gone! You are going to be six months a week from today. What?! You are growing up ridiculously fast and despite how fun it is, I miss your little 6 lb 4 oz self that you used to be. Now, as of last week, you weigh a whopping 17 lbs 10 oz! You are getting to be such a little chunk and carrying you around is getting to be more of a workout. You love to sit in the shopping cart now like a big boy and look around at everything we pass by. What you see is what you grab, and that is EVERYTHING. My face, hair, hands, clothes, jewelery, phone, remote, anything you name it. You've been teething for quite some time now and we have yet to see a tooth pop out yet, I sure hope it makes its arrival real soon to put you out of those days you are in misery. Tummy time seems to be not as big of a deal anymore and you are SO close to rolling completely over it kills me! Either you get stuck on your side, or you rock back and forth almost as if you're scared to roll all the way over. Another one of your favorite things to do is play in your excer saucer. You've got lots of animal toys around you and you love to try to put them in your mouth and get mad when you can't grab them or get your mouth on it. You also love to eat, and like every other man, you get terribly grumpy if we don't feed you soon enough or right away. Sometimes when you eat baby food we can't get the spoon in your mouth quick enough for you and you get oh so very angry. So far you have liked every single food we've given you except peaches! What the what?! Those are my favorite! Maybe I ate too many of them when you were in my belly that you got sick of them.  But if that's the only thing you don't like right now I'm OK with it. I'm glad you are not a picky eater..none of those are allowed in this house in case you didn't know. Besides the fact that you get angry if you don't get food, you are quite a happy baby all the time. (except for when those teeth are trying to plow their way through) Your smile is my favorite thing right along with your giggle. I love to tickle you and hear you cackle real loud over and over. You also love to talk a lot. In your carseat, your crib, on the floor, anywhere you just blab away and yell funny sounds as if you were saying "hey!". I couldn't imagine life without you. You have been such a huge blessing to your daddy and I and we couldn't have asked for a better son. We are so lucky to wake up to your smiling face every morning we come to get you from your room. You put so much joy in our lives as well as many others around you. Even those that are miles and miles away! You are loved so very much by so many and we are so excited to watch you continue to grow into the smart, handsome, and loving boy that you are. We do everything we can to make sure you have a wonderful life and want only the best for you. We pray to be the best parents we can be for you and hope to live up to that. We love you so incredibly much and thank you for choosing us as your parents!

XOxo Mom

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