Why yes, we have a new addition to the family; Meet Benji!

I had my morning off before work that evening and Steven and I had some errands to run. We had been talking about getting a dog for months now and we decided since we had some extra time to kill we would just go take a look at the Humane Society. We've done tons of research online on craigslist trying to find the perfect fit for us and found a few, but they were all such expensive puppies so we decided to look at ALL options before we hand out the chunk of cash for a new friend.
For those of you who may not know, I am a HUGE animal lover. Especially of dogs. I've grown up with them all my life and spent all summer with 2 dogs while Steven was gone. As shown in my previous post with Benz my best friend in Cali. Well that being said, we walk into the Humane Society and go through the doors to the cages full of smaller dogs. As we were walking in Steven said "Babes, I dont think I can do this..I'm gonna want to take them all home they are all screaming pick me!" hahah We both were crushed at how many dogs were there, and wanted to take them all. Well Ok, maybe not all, some were not the cutest dogs Ive ever seen. I spotted Benji and knew I wanted to take him for a walk and see if he would warm up to us as quickly as I fell in love with him the minute I laid eyes on him. We continued through to see some of the bigger dogs to see if there was a medium sized dog out there that would fit for us as I would hate to have a big dog in this house with not enough room for him to run and play. Although I saw the cutest Labradors and German short haired pointer!..someday. We go back and get a leash to take Benji outside. He wasn't super hyper in his cage which I loved, and when we took him out, he was indeed excited to be outside ( I dont blame him after sitting in a cage all day!) But he knew how to sit, he was super soft and loving and chill..aside from being so thrilled to wander around on the grass. I wanted him. His papers say he's good with dogs, cats, and children. perfect! Oh before I go any further his name was originally Dakota. But, I didnt feel it fit him very well, so we changed it to Benji and he's responding to it really well!
We had to run home and get some dog food and bowls before we brought him home to nothing. He was very dirty and his rear needed a little cleaning. They checked him out while we were gone and updated him on his booster shots and cleaned him up. Well When we got back to pick him up, they said "oh we had to shave him because he was pretty matted from not being groomed properly" I thought, oh maybe just a little shave and he still had some fur, NOPE! He is completely shaven to the skin. haha