Well Like I mentioned in my previous post, we did a little black friday shopping. One of the stores we went into was White House Black Market. I love this store enough as it is, but I saw this dress and fell in love with it.

Obviously if I ever did get this dress it would be altered with some sleeves..but i still love it:) I know you are thinking...well she won't really have a place to wear this so it doesn't really matter, which is exactly what I thought until I remembered the ARMY has a ball ever so often.
Yes I said it..THE ARMY. Why might you ask would I ever go to an Army Ball? Well let me tell you that Steven is actually joining the US ARMY RESERVE!

yep. It will be all official on Wednesday when he's up in Salt Lake for his physical and enlistment. I know...it definitely is scary don't get me wrong! But we have thought about this long and hard for the past several months about it and feel it is right for our family because it is definitely not for everyone. We find out hopefully tomorrow or Wednesday for sure where Steven will be going to basic training and exactly when he will leave. The soonest he will leave is January 4th! ahh it's coming up so soon! He will be gone for about 4 months :(. But i know it will all be worth it in the end :) Welp that's the Big news!
Other than that...we are just trying to enjoy our last month or so together and with family and friends! I decorated and listened to Christmas music all day yesterday, so fun :) I need to get some new pictures up here i just cant seem to remember or find the time!