
It's March?!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Well there ya have it folks, the first few months are gone. This always happens I feel like. Maybe because February is a short month..maybe not. Anywho. After my last Christmas post, things got a bit crazayy. I decided to create another blog called Snazzy Trash, which I will get back to. I went to California for 3 1/2 weeks. ( jealous?) Was in and out of hospitals and doctors offices (still jealous?) and am now finally getting back into the swing of things with a busy and hardworking husband that I rarely see. 

First of all, back to my Snazzy Trash blog. This whole thing came about because so many people would ask me," oh, where did you get that? that is so cute!" or" I love this (peice of furniture/home decor/outfit) where did you find it??" Well you may or may not know this about me. but I'm cheap. most of the time. Like way cheap. I can't bring myself to buy a $10 dollar shirt sometimes. but I think my husband appreciates it! I am a huge thrifter/ bargain buyer. rarely will I buy something full price.. although it depends on what it is. I love the DI ( sometimes) but my favs are thrift town and goodwill ( everytime I say/hear/see this word I want to break out in Macklemore's song Thrift Shop ) So on this blog I will be posting my "Snazzy" finds and show you how to have a cute decorative home on a WAY cheap budget. so Check it out. Don't forget to share this with your friends on your blog! :) 

SO. about my awesome California trip. It was WAY last minute. like 2 days before I left is when we decided to go. How did it come about? Well my parents car got smashed and needed another one. We had the luxury of 2 cars, and since I am usually home and dont use my car a ton, we figured we could manage with one car by utilizing the bus/tracks, and sell the car to my parents. sweet. So since my poor husband has school and work and army stuff, there was no way he could get away..that left for me and Calvin to bring the car down and visit the sunny beautiful southern Cali where my parents just moved. I also scored a $90 plane ticket home and decided to make it 3 wks out to take advantage of the opportunity to see Stevens grandparents and the rest of my family while I was there so they could all finally meet Calvin. I was quite nervous driving by myself with a 3 month old so my family met me half way in vegas so someone could hop in the car to help with Calvin. Boy did I get lucky with my little man. He slept majority of the way except for the very end he got a little antsy...but 8 hrs in the car for the first time, he did pretty well! We were in HEAVEN in california. I got sweaty just driving there, and ended up having to buy calvin some cooler clothes because he was in even sweating SO bad. poor guy. He's never been in the heat! Well at the end of the first week there, we noticed Calvins breathing was kinda wheezy and he was struggling a bit. He was still such a happy baby smiling a way but he would definitely get cranky and fussy which isnt like him at all..especially when eating, he never had a problem. So to be safe we took him to the hospital, (I hate being sick out of town) and since my parents are new to the area we just went to the one closest to them..which ended up being the county hospital. Let me tell you NEVER again will i go there. We were entertained by all sorts of crazies! 2 people Od'd, a whole mexican their extended family and everyone sitting in the waiting room, loud and obnoxious. an inmate chained to the bed with guards standing around him. and smokers who think they are dying but are really just suffering the consequences from smoking their whole life! phew. It was exhausting! Well they did xrays checked his vitals and everything looked normal. they sucked the boogies from his nose and sent us on our way saying it could be hay fever or allergies.

And here he is passed out while we waited for tests..poor guy!
 well 2 days later they call me back saying a radiologist looked at the xrays and said he had a tiny bit of pneumonia in one long and needed to come back for a shot and antibiotics. great. once we got that all over with they asked us to follow up with the best pediatrician in town the following week. so we did and she was really the best pediatrician in town. haha she knew right away what was going on, because he still had the wheezy sound. So she said for the bronchitis he needed to be on breathing treatments and diagnosed him with Laryngomalacia...Here's what that is.


Laryngomalacia is a congenital softening of the tissues of the larynx (voice box) above the vocal cords. This is the most common cause of noisy breathing in infancy. The laryngeal structure is malformed and floppy, causing the tissues to fall over the airway opening and partially block it.
For most infants, laryngomalacia is not a serious condition — they have noisy breathing, but are able to eat and grow. For these infants, laryngomalacia will resolve without surgery by the time they are 18 to 20 months old. However, a small percentage of babies with laryngomalacia do struggle with breathing, eating and gaining weight. These symptoms require prompt attention.

Luckily he doesnt have it terribly bad and will grow out of it. Now I know why his breathing has been a little different. I was first told by my pediatrician here that it is caused from acid reflux. Which in fact, after reading up on laryngomalacia, acid reflux is a symptom/ causes it to intensify. What a nice feeling it is not to worry about it being anything more. Now I do watch him like a hawk and make sure nothing else is getting worse. After we had that visit with the Dr. he was on those breathing treatments for 2 wks, just before we left. and they seemed to work wonders. He had his 4 month check up and followed up on everything and he seems to be perfectly fine. But besides the fact that I had to go to the dr and hospital so many times wasn't the biggest issue, it was the insurance. We have really good army insurance, but somehow it had gotten cancelled on accident. and it was right when all of this was going on. of course! But finally now everything is taken care of but nothing gives me more of a headache than dealing with insurance companies and especially the army because they take FOREVER!

Besides that whole mess I really enjoyed California and spending time with my family. Although I really wish my hubby could have been with us! We got to go to the beach, visit both of stevens grandparents, visit with his family, drive up to Nor Cal to see my older bro and his little family, visit with my Aunt and see old friends. What a treat this was. The weather was beyond amazing and it was so depressing coming back to the snow! But.. the hubs graduates next year....who knows what will come after that! :)

Oh before I are some pictures from our trip!

little chubs hogging the bed before we got his crib..
My younger siblings...couldn't get enough of him!
 My niners nails....too bad they lost :/
 Calvin was clearly a niners fan and mad they lost too..hehe
 I think he missed his daddy right??

OH ya, hear about Christopher Dorner?...he almost killed me!. ok thats a lie...but he was in the same town as us, and down the street from my little brothers high school..streets were blocked everywhere and this is where a poor cop got shot. :( 

 Loves from cousin Sydney 
 Tryin to stay cool in my wife beater...haha
  Uncle Chico...the baby whisperer...ok not really. 
 First time meeting Great-Grandma Cecy 
 Crazy grandma thinks its a concert up in here with the Grammys on..
 I sure did miss this kid..:) 
 Visiting Great- Grandma Shirley at the beach house in Newport Beach!
 The little Sis and I made a ridiculous amount of valentines cookies!
 My little cupid :) 
 Enjoying tummy time....for the moment..
 He loved his new crib that we got for $5 bucks! 
Cousin Hayden and Baby Cal..they look like brothers!
A flower arrangement my mom and I did for the El Dorado Hills Reunion Nightclub . Check this place out if you are nearby, it is super nice! and not trashy at all.. promise ;)
It wouldn't be a complete Eldo trip without a meal at La Fiesta Taqueria!..My Fav!!
Calvin and Benz became best friends :) 
What a lovely car ride home to so cal this was....
He got protective over him a little bit :) 
First time at the airport! (yes his hair has a redish tint to it...random)
Being a good boy and playing with his toys while we wait a few hrs for our flight! 
First time on an airplane! He did amazing and slept through majority of it waking up only to eat :) 
Finally SO happy to be home with Daddy! 

Thanks for reading this novel of an entry, as all of mine seem to be, have a good night!

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